Dear Zero

Pimped this shit out, like it?

Remember how different things used to be around here? I started fucking around with my code and learned to tweak things how I wanted them.

The first theme this site had was Water, I liked it cause it'd switch between light and dark theme automatically.

I decided to change the font to something handwritten, it emphasizes how these entries are intended as letters. I wouldn't have written this much without you in mind. Made my toast button an envelope, it changes to a love letter when clicked. I don't care if it's corny because I think it's pretty damn clever.

I picked up Edu QLD Beginner for main font, Caveat for Cyrillic text, and Yomogi for Japanese. I think the font for smaller elements like time, navigation, and footer is monospace? Or was it Roboto Mono? I'm not really sure, blin.

It came with the new theme I switched to - Archie. I liked the highlined underlighted links. But red isn't my color, neither was blue but switching to Archie made me lose my light / dark theme switcher which was annoying.

I'm fond of Google's Material You themes so I decided to sample the colors for their green theme since that's my favorite color. I figured out how to make it switch from light and dark automatically by copying this guy's homework. Thanks for the help, bratanchik.

I think the most difficult thing to fix was moving navigation to the top right corner without it sagging below the site title. I forget what I did exactly but recall I copied some of The Bold Type's code.

Also got lucky and I was able to snatch a new URL, comparing to is like comparing Eichhörnchen to リス. 🐿️

Finally as a cherry on top, I added a drawing of us to the homepage since the statement there was feeling lonely. I might add more stuff there as time goes on, sort of how some people collect postcards, stamps, or coins.

I like how things have improved here, I don't know what it is exactly, wabi-sabi? Swiss design? Whatever it is, my gopnik brain is happy. Normally I wouldn't gush over this shit cause I hardly qualify as a nerd, but I'm kind of proud of what I achieved. The last time I felt this way was when I created things in auto / wood shop.

Down the line when my situation improves some and I'm no longer living in a gulag, I'm thinking of keeping some kind of travel journal, or maybe writing letters about random notes of interest. I like having my own site cause I can't stand social media. I might consider a seperate site with my VK email for information about our story projects or some kind of art portfolio.

Hope I'll be able to say this again before the end of this year.

Happy housewarming, Seven