Dear Zero

This is frustrating

Not being able to use Notion was fine, it's overrated and too chic for my taste anyways.

But Trello? My entire workstation revolved around it, and now I have to abandon it because of Atlassian's involvement in stupid politics.

I have thousands of notes in each of my projects, that includes videos, images, entire chapter outlines. I'm overwhelmed and irritated that I have to move all of this over to another workstation while my eyes are going through hell.

Maybe it's a good thing because this gives me a chance to clean up things, but holy hell this is a mountain of work that would've been better suited for me a couple years ago.

That guy had no job, glasses, and plenty of time to organize all of this shit. I hate how I can't delegate my own tasks to my past self. I was probably doing some other redundant useless computer work.

I know it'll be fine once it's all cleaned up and transferred over, but I need to let out some steam before I continue.

Yours, Seven